How We Help
The following signs and symptoms may be good indicators that counseling can be beneficial:
- Breaking the law
- Changes in appetite, sleep patterns, or motor activity
- Compulsive behaviors
- Decrease in job or school performance
- Decrease in physical health or new diagnoses
- Depressed or elevated mood lasting longer than 6 weeks
- Desire to understand self better
- Difficulties communicating
- Difficulties concentrating
- Difficulties parenting
- Difficulty managing anger
- Difficulty transitioning to next phase of life
- Dissatisfaction or difficulties with sex life
- Domestic violence or child abuse
- Identity confusion
- Increased moodiness or mood swings
- Increased relationship conflicts
- Lack of motivation to reach goals
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
- Marital infidelity
- Memory difficulties
- Multiple life changes in a short time
- Not feeling like yourself
- Obsessive thoughts
- Problems you can’t resolve that bring significant distress
- Recent loss or prolonged grief
- Recent traumatic experience or past experience that continues to resurface
- Thoughts of self-harm or desire to “escape”
- Uncertainty about purpose or future
- Unresolved issues from childhood
- Using food, alcohol or drugs, internet, sex, pornography, or gambling as a distraction from problems or source of stress relief
- Withdrawal from relationships or activities

Problems We Treat
- Adoption or foster care issues
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Blended family issues
- Bullying
- Career or job related
- Caregiver issues or stress
- Child adolescent development
- Chronic illness or disability
- Communication
- Depression
- Divorce or separation
- Eating disorder
- Family or relational issues
- Fertility
- Finances
- Forgiveness
- Gambling
- Grief, loss or bereavement
- Identity issues
- Infidelity or affair recovery
- In-law conflicts
- Internet addiction
- Life purpose
- Life stage transitions
- Marital issues
- Obsessive-compulsive
- Parenting
- Personality disorders
- Phobias & fears
- Postpartum depression
- Post trauma stress
- Pregnancy
- Premarital counseling
- Relationship issues
- Remarriage
- School or learning problems
- Self care
- Self-esteem issues
- Self harm
- Self worth
- Sexual abuse & trauma
- Sex addiction or pornography
- Sexual functioning
- Social anxiety
- Spirituality issues
- Step-family issues
- Stress
- Trust issues